Sunday 4 October 2015

Bookish Would You Rather - Part 2

Hello again!

As you probably already know, today is my 1st Blogging Birthday and I'm doing something a little different for you guys, to celebrate this event!

This is my Bookish Would You Rather! I have found 20 questions, either made up by me, my friends (thanks again guys!), or taken from the Internet.
I have been answering these questions for you to read, and also set up a poll so that you guys can answer the questions too, as I would love to know your opinions!

Since I have had so many questions to answer, I have split the post up into two separate ones. This is part two. If you would like to see Part 1, where I answer questions about specific books, click here!  In this Part, I will be answering the last 10 questions, which are about books in general.

This really has been so much fun to make, so I hope you enjoy it and have fun looking through. Please vote on the polls and give me your opinions!

Let's get started then!!!

1. Would You Rather only ever read Trilogies or Standalone books?
Either only read books that are part of three books, or books with no sequels. 

 I read a lot of trilogies, but I also read a lot of standalones, so this is very hard for me to decide. Most of my standalones contemporary books which I absolutely love and read all the time, but most of my trilogies are dystopian and fantasy, which I also really, really love. I think, simply for sentimental value, I would have to choose trilogies because I love rereading the ones I read when I was younger, such as The Hunger Games or Divergent and I would have to say goodbye to my precious standalones, which wouldn't be easy because there have been a great number of standalones that have changed my outlook on life. Yes, I would have to choose trilogies but I would live in hope of sequels to most contemporary fiction books!!!

2. Would You Rather only ever read books with a love triangle, or only be able to read books without romance AT ALL?
Either books with two love interests for the main character, or books with no romance in them whatsoever.

This wasn't too hard for me. Practically every single book that I have ever read contains a little bit of romance. Even Children's books usually contain aspects of it, even if it isn't a hard-core chic-lit! Okay, love triangles do get a little boring when you see them in every single book, but I think I could put up with it. There's no way I could live without any romance in books! If I wasn't able to ship anyone, I don't think I'd bother reading it!

3. Would You Rather only be able to read the first half of a book or the last half?
 Simple enough. Start or ending? You decide..!

I would definitely go with the last half of the book. I would be completely unable to start a book and then have to put it down half way through and never find out what happens. I guess I could try to work out for myself what's happening in the book when I pick it up half-way through and the book might reveal certain parts for you to be able to piece the story together, whereas losing an ending to the book would never be okay for me, and I honestly think that if I couldn't read the end of any book I ever read, I wouldn't bother reading at all!!

4. Would You Rather never be able to take out a book from the Library, or never be able to reread a book?
Never borrow a book from a library or never be able to read a book more than once.

Okay, this is a very simple one for me. I don't think I would be able to survive without rereading books. I have reread most books more than I'd care to admit. I love being able to recite my favourite pages off by heart and knowing the stories inside out. I have read each book in the Harry Potter series 24 times so far, but I wouldn't ever dream of saying, 'No, that's the last time I want to read you. You can sit on my shelf and never be read again.' - It just wouldn't happen. I would gladly get rid of my library card because I much prefer to buy my own books anyway so that I can have them on my shelves and worship them (Ha. You think I'm joking!). But I would never give up rereading. Not a chance!

 5. Would You Rather have tea spilled on your favourite page in a book, or have your favourite page ripped?
Either somebody knocked over their cup of tea on your book while you're reading your favourite page, or there's a big rip down the middle of the page; it hasn't detached the page but has gone quite far in.

There are lots of problems with each of these outcomes and I don't think I'd fancy either of them occurring. But I do have quite a lot of experience with handling with damaged books so I feel like I would be prepared if either of these things did happen and I would be able to minimise the damage. I feel like the tea is actually the worse option though, since the words could run and the tea (if not treated very quickly) could leak through to all of the other pages, ruining those too. One of my favourite pages in my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has a tear in it (from when I was young and careless!) and that has been read numerous times since then without it getting worse, so I think the ripping would be the better option of the two.

6. Would You Rather read at a rate of 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
Having to stop reading each day when you reach the five page mark, or not being able to stop each week until you had read five books.

I read at least 100 pages every day, no matter what. I try to read more than that if I have the spare time, but 100 pages is the minimum and I won't be happy with myself unless I complete it. It would kill me to have to stop after 5 pages! I have had some great weeks where I've managed to get through 5 or more books without it being too much of an arduous task, so I think I could manage it, especially if they were shorter ones. So I would definitely choose 5 books per week.

 7. Would You Rather always have to see the film adaptation before you were allowed to read the book, or never be able to see the film adaptation?

Have to wait until you had seen the film before you could read the book or read the book whenever you want but never be able to watch the film adaptation.

Let's be honest. A lot of film adaptations of books completely ruin the book and make you regret ever watching it. But other times, they are just as good or sometimes (very, very rarely) the slightest bit better than the book. There have only been three films that I remember seeing before I read the book. Those are Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and The Silver Linings Playbook. Since watching them, I have read and fell in love with each of their books, so despite me being really picky and making sure I read the book before I see its film, I have still immensely enjoyed the books after watching the film, so even though it would be really hard and would really restrict what I was able to read, I think I would choose to see the film first rather than never see it at all, because some film adaptations are absolutely spectacular.

 8. Would You Rather your favourite book be turned into a film or a TV show?
Simply have it adapted into a film or adapted into a series put on the TV.

Film! Film all the way. I know that you can get way more on-screen time with a TV show and that you're able to see more of the story and the characters, but as a general rule, I don't watch TV shows! I tend to start watching them, really excited, then get less excited and then get bored and stop watching sometime in the second season. I can't help it- it just happens! I would also much rather go to a cinema than watch something at home, and you can't really do that with a TV show. So I'm always in favour of them turning into films, although I am excited to see the new Shadowhunters show next year, I must say!

 9. Would You Rather have the time to read everything that you want to read or the money to buy all the books you want to read?
More time, but only for reading, or more money, but only for books.

I think I've got to go for the money option here. I feel that I already have sufficient time to read enough in a day, and an extra hour specifically designed for reading would be lovely, but not if you don't have any books to read in that time! I buy nearly all of my books myself- I get a few for birthdays and Christmas, but the majority of my books have been bought by me. Due to the fairly fast rate I read books, I have to buy seven or so books each month to keep up with myself and book buying doesn't really come cheap these days! Unlike a lot of people, I don't have a huge TBR pile stashed away. Mine generally never gets bigger than 10 books, so it would be lovely to have shelves and shelves of books just sitting waiting for me to read them!

10. Would You Rather read a fantastic book with a boring ending, or read a boring book with a fantastic ending?
Which is more important- a great book or a great ending?

The thing I thought of when I tried to answer this question was a direct comparison between two books. Ignite Me, the final book in the Shatter Me series, was a great book but I wasn't a fan of the ending. Dangerous Creatures, the Beautiful Creatures follow-on, wasn't a great book but the ending blew me away! Even though it's the ending that tends to stick with you the most, I gave Ignite Me four stars and only gave Dangerous Creatures three stars, so logically, I would think that the great book with bad ending would be the better of the two. However, I still feel that the ending really defines a book. If the ending is bad, that's all you're going to remember - that's all I remember thinking about Ignite Me. So I think I'm going to have to go with the Boring book, Fab ending. I think I would happily read a mediocre book with the promise that the ending is going to be incredible!


Well, that's it! That is the end of my questions!

I have loved writing this post so much! Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section- Did you enjoy it and would you like me to do more of this kind of post? Would you prefer it if I stuck to reviewing?
Do you have any suggestions for me for future posts or any cool Would You Rather questions for me to answer? I would love to hear from you guys!
Also, if you have a blog and would like to answer these questions there, please let me know as I would love to read them!

Thank you so much to everyone who has read and subscribed to this blog! I can't believe it's been a year already since I started! I hope you stick around for the next year too! :)

Until the next time, goodbye!

Charlotte xxx

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