Warning- From this point on, there WILL be Spoilers for ALL of the books in the Hush, Hush Series, so if you haven't read these books and do not want to be spoilt, please, please don't read on!
To be perfectly honest, I thought the first two books in the series were pretty mediocre. I mean, they weren't terrible, but neither were they amazing. The first book is all about Nora being introduced to the new world, and Crescendo, the second book, sees Nora and Patch break up. These kind of plots are fairly common in the YA genre, and tend to occur in a lot of series. At this point in the story, while I was entertained by the novels, they came nowhere near to my favourite books, and I wasn't loving them.
It wasn't until the third book that I really started to love the series. I thought that the situation in this book was amazing, and I can't remember reading anything like this before. The book starts with Nora waking up in a graveyard, having no idea how she got there. She soon discovers that she has been missing for a few months and was kidnapped, but the only problem is, she can't remember a thing. But, not only can Nora not remember what happened to her during her kidnapping, she also can't remember about the world of Fallen Angels and Nephilim, which also meant that she couldn't remember about Patch!
It really helped that this happened in a later book in the series, because it left the readers knowing more than the narrator of the story did, which made reading it quite frustrating, but in a good way! I did, however, think that Becca Fitzpatrick rushed Silence a little bit, and I think she could have made more of a point of Nora's memory loss and the effects of it. But, overall, I thought Silence was really good!
I thought that Finale, the last book in the series, really wrapped things up nicely. While some bits were quite predictable, in my opinion, it worked well. I had never expected to be crying at all in this series, so when tears were streaming down my cheeks by the end, I was quite surprised! I'm still in denial about what happened to Scott, and to be honest, I found his death pretty unnecessary. I thought that Becca Fitzpatrick just killed him off because she felt that someone needed to go. But other than that, I thought the ending was good, and the last lines really made me giggle!!
So, overall, I thought the series was good. I would like to say they were excellent, but I thought that the writing was quite sloppy, and the scenes jumped around a little too much. In some parts, I found it difficult to understand quite what was going on, though this may have had something to do with me reading it far too late into the night! But, I thought the idea of the series was really good, and I enjoyed reading about the characters.
I would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy and paranormal books, but who maybe hasn't read a great deal of books in that genre, as it could be viewed as a bit predictable.
To see what I think of other books, click here and take a peek at my Goodreads page!
That's all for now! Bye!
Charlotte xx
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